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Jul 24, 2024

How to run A/B tests on your Webflow site

How to run A/B tests on your Webflow site

A/B testing is a crucial technique for optimizing your website's performance and user experience. For Webflow users, there are several methods to implement A/B testing effectively. In this article, we'll explore two main approaches: using Optibase, a dedicated Webflow app, and custom A/B testing methods.

In addition to exploring these implementation methods, we'll also dive deep into the fundamentals of proper A/B testing. We'll cover essential principles to ensure your tests have statistical significance and provide meaningful insights.

By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of both the technical and methodological aspects of A/B testing on your Webflow site, equipping you with all the knowledge you need to optimize your website effectively.

1. Optibase: All-in-one A/B testing for Webflow is a powerful A/B testing tool specifically designed for Webflow sites.

Run Webflow A/B testing with Optibase

Developed by Flowout, an experienced Webflow agency, Optibase offers a comprehensive solution for conducting A/B tests directly within your Webflow environment.

Key features of Optibase

  1. Native Webflow integration: Optibase is available as a Webflow app, accessible directly from your Webflow dashboard. This seamless integration allows you to set up and manage A/B tests without leaving the Webflow interface.
  2. Multiple variant testing: Create and test multiple versions of your web pages to determine the most effective design or content.
  3. Basic analytics: Optibase includes a simple analytics system that shows you how many times each variant has been viewed, the number of clicks, and other essential metrics.
  4. Geographical targeting: Restrict your A/B tests to specific regions, allowing you to tailor your experiments to particular countries or states.
  5. Device-specific testing: Apply A/B tests only to certain device types or responsive breakpoints.
  6. Persistent variants: Ensure that users see the same variant consistently by using browser cookies.

Pricing and plans

Optibase offers several pricing tiers to accommodate different needs:

  • Basic Plan: Includes 3 active tests and up to 20,000 tested users for $19/month. This plan is suitable for most users running a few parallel tests.
  • Professional Plan: Offers 25 active tests and up to 120,000 tested users, priced at $69 per month.

Advantages and limitations

The main advantage of Optibase is its tight integration with Webflow, providing a user-friendly experience for setting up and managing A/B tests. However, this integration can also be a limitation.

The analytics provided by Optibase are relatively basic compared to more robust analytics platforms like Google Analytics. If you need more advanced analytics capabilities, you may need to consider alternative methods or combine Optibase with other tools.

2. Custom A/B testing methods

For those who prefer more control or need advanced analytics integration, custom A/B testing methods can be an excellent alternative. Here are two approaches to implementing custom A/B testing on your Webflow site:

A. Simple JavaScript redirection

This method involves using a simple JavaScript script to handle traffic distribution between different variants of your page.

Setup Webflow A/B testing redirect URL with JavaScript

How it works:

  1. Create a blank Webflow page to host the JavaScript code.
  2. Add a script that defines variables for each variant, including the traffic weight (percentage) and the corresponding URL.
  3. Add the JavaScript code under Page Settings > Custom Code > Inside <head> tag.
  4. When a user visits this page, the script will randomly redirect them to one of the variants based on the defined weights.

Here's a basic example of how the script might look:

<!-- Simple A/B Testing JS Redirect by BRIX Agency -->
  var variants = [
    { weight: 33, url: '' },
    { weight: 33, url: '' },
    { weight: 34, url: '' }

  var totalWeight = variants.reduce((sum, variant) => sum + variant.weight, 0);
  var random = Math.random() * totalWeight;
  var weightSum = 0;

  for (var i = 0; i < variants.length; i++) {
    weightSum += variants[i].weight;
    if (random <= weightSum) {
      window.location.href = variants[i].url;


  • Free and easy to implement
  • Allows for precise control over traffic distribution
  • Can be easily modified for different test scenarios


  • Users may experience a slight delay due to the redirection (<0.5s)
  • Requires basic JavaScript knowledge to set up and modify

B. Cloudflare Worker for A/B testing

For a more efficient and server-side approach, you can use a Cloudflare Worker to handle the A/B test traffic distribution. It works the following way:

Setup Webflow A/B testing redirect URL with Cloudflare Workers
  1. Set up a Cloudflare account and create a new Worker.
  2. Write a script that distributes traffic between different URLs based on defined weights.
  3. Create a new route in Cloudflare that triggers this Worker for your A/B test URL.

Here's a basic example of a Cloudflare Worker script for A/B testing:

<!-- Simple A/B Testing Worker Redirect by BRIX Agency -->
addEventListener('fetch', event => {

async function handleRequest(request) {
  const variants = [
    { weight: 33, url: '' },
    { weight: 33, url: '' },
    { weight: 34, url: '' }

  const totalWeight = variants.reduce((sum, variant) => sum + variant.weight, 0);
  const random = Math.random() * totalWeight;
  let weightSum = 0;

  for (const variant of variants) {
    weightSum += variant.weight;
    if (random <= weightSum) {
      return Response.redirect(variant.url, 302);

  // Fallback to the first variant if something goes wrong
  return Response.redirect(variants[0].url, 302);

For a more detailed step-by-step guide on how to setup Cloudflare workers, check out the article here.


  • Faster and more efficient than client-side redirection
  • Handles distribution at the server level, making it imperceptible to users
  • Can be easily scaled and modified for complex testing scenarios


  • Requires a Cloudflare account and basic knowledge of Cloudflare Workers

Important considerations for custom A/B testing

When implementing custom A/B testing methods, keep these points in mind:

  1. Understand Google Analytics basics: Familiarize yourself with Google Analytics basics to effectively analyze your test results. Google Analytics offers more robust analytics capabilities compared to simple built-in solutions.
  2. UTM parameters for traffic segmentation: Use UTM parameters in your variant URLs to segment traffic in Google Analytics. This allows you to easily isolate and analyze the performance of each variant. You can use a UTM link parameter builder to create these URLs.

By using these custom methods, you gain more control over your A/B tests and can integrate them with powerful analytics tools like Google Analytics. This approach allows for more in-depth analysis and insights, albeit with a slightly steeper learning curve compared to all-in-one solutions like Optibase.

Fundamentals of effective A/B testing on Webflow

While implementing A/B tests technically is crucial, understanding how to conduct these tests properly is equally (or even more) important. Many marketers make common mistakes that can lead to inconclusive or misleading results. Let's explore the key principles for effective A/B testing on your Webflow site.

1. Test one factor at a time

One of the most critical principles in A/B testing is to focus on testing only one factor at a time. This approach, known as isolating variables, allows you to pinpoint exactly what element is responsible for any changes in performance.


Let's say you want to improve your homepage's conversion rate. You might be tempted to test two completely different designs, each with different layouts, copy, and call-to-action buttons. However, if one version performs better, you won't know which specific element caused the improvement.

Instead, follow this approach:

  1. Start by testing only the layout (e.g., hero image on the right vs. below the fold).
  2. Once you have a winner, keep that layout and test different heading copy variations.
  3. Next, experiment with different call-to-action button designs or placements.

By testing one factor at a time, you'll gain clear insights into what specific changes impact your site's performance. This knowledge is valuable not just for the current test but for future design decisions as well 😉.

2. Test one traffic source at a time

Another crucial principle is to conduct your A/B tests using traffic from only one source at a time. Different traffic sources can have vastly different characteristics, which can significantly impact your test results.

Why this matters:

Imagine you're running an A/B test and receiving traffic from organic search, Facebook ads, and direct visits. Each of these sources likely brings in users with different intents, levels of familiarity with your brand, and demographic characteristics. If these traffic sources are unevenly distributed between your test variants, it could (heavily) skew your results.

Best practice:

  1. Choose one traffic source for your A/B test that you can control (e.g., Facebook ads or Google Ads).
  2. Enable the A/B testing only for that source by using an isolated URL (you can use the redirect via JavaScript/Cloudflare or create a new hidden page using Optibase).
  3. Analyze the data to identify the winner.
  4. Now update the live page for all users to access this new, better performing version.

By focusing on one traffic source, you eliminate a major variable that could otherwise affect your results.

3. Ensure statistical significance

Statistical significance is a crucial concept in A/B testing that helps you determine whether the differences you observe between variants are real or just due to random chance.

In simple terms, statistical significance tells you how confident you can be that your results are not just a fluke. It's typically expressed as a percentage, with 95% being a common threshold in A/B testing.

How to achieve statistical significance:

  1. Run your test for an adequate duration: Short tests are more likely to produce unreliable results.
  2. Ensure a large enough sample size: The more traffic you include in your test, the more confident you can be in your results.
  3. Follow a proper flow of A/B tests that focus on one factor at a time, with isolated traffic: This approach helps maintain the integrity of your results and makes it easier to identify true improvements.


If Variant A has a 5% conversion rate and Variant B has a 5.5% conversion rate, you might be tempted to declare Variant B the winner. However, if this is based on only 100 visitors per variant, the difference could easily be due to chance. You'd need a much larger sample size to be confident that the 0.5% improvement is genuine.


Effective A/B testing on your Webflow site goes beyond just implementing the technical solution. By following these fundamental principles – testing one factor at a time, focusing on a single traffic source, ensuring statistical significance, and properly planning your strategy – you'll be well-equipped to conduct meaningful tests that provide valuable insights.

Remember, A/B testing is an ongoing process of incremental improvement. Each test, whether it confirms or challenges your hypothesis, provides valuable data that can inform your future design and marketing decisions. By approaching A/B testing methodically and scientifically, you'll be able to continuously optimize your Webflow site for better performance and user experience.

If you're looking to implement a robust A/B testing process for your Webflow site but feel overwhelmed by the technical and methodological aspects, we're here to help. As an expert Webflow agency with extensive experience in CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), we can assist your marketing team in setting up and managing effective A/B tests. Send us a message today!

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